Introducing 'This and That & The Other Thing'

Posted by Phronjia Bradley on


Anyone who knows me has witnessed first hand my obsession with creating.  In some ways I view the act of creating a small portion of the expression of our Heavenly Father's admonition that we are 'co-creators) with Him.

Taking something that otherwise is mundane and turning it into something different that expresses it's beauty and uniqueness.  

Being a Cherokee descendant I was taught to not waste.  Many of my creations utilize something that wa broken or that someone may have felt was worthless.  A good example of this  are these earrings -

The hoops are made of hammered metal and appear to be silver.  They were a part of broken earrings and made the perfect frame for small dream catcher earrings.  They were cleaned and polished and then I started the weaving with small cotton yarn.  To complete the set I attached the to new stainless ear wires.

Living in the Outer Banks of North Carolina I enjoy walking the sound shores and beaches to collect items that have been washed up from the depths of the ocean.  The pieces tell me what they want to be.

Some of my original paintings have been utilized to make products such as T-Shirts and Boat Bags.

I started '' to offer my unique creations directly to you.  You may see some of my creations at various galleries on the islands and in the reservation in NC.  You'll know it's a genuine 'Phronjia Creation' because it will come with my artist's seal and signature.

Custom orders are welcome as well as home parties and group workshops.

Thanks for stopping by.  If you need to contact me please feel free to email me at ''.  By the way - 'Phronjia' is the name that my Mom dreamed for me and it means 'a woman who enjoys life' which perfectly describes my life mantra.